Monday, August 16, 2010

Class Schedule!

I had received my class schedule many weeks ago, but I have failed to share with everyone which classes I am taking. I am happy to say my earliest class is at 10 AM! I am a complete night owl, so it is necessary to have my morning beauty sleep.

The following is the list of the classes I am taking:

Elementary Arabic
Understanding Arab Music
Intro to Photography
Mass Communication Research (the class which will substitute for my senior capstone)

I have wanted to take a photography course for a very long time, but it had been one of my last choices for studying at AUC. Originally, I had signed up for a Middle Eastern Studies course, but they replaced that with the photography course. I suppose my studies will be less taxing by taking photography instead of another writing-intensive course. No matter what classes I take, I know I will be very busy!

All the courses which would substitute for my senior capstone had a prerequisite, so I am quite relieved to find I have been added to one of them. The class I am in was not the one I preferred, but at least it is something! My first choice was "Research for Journalists," but I will take what I can get.

I feel like a freshman again with all my classes being chosen for me; but I am happy to be studying in another country!


Anonymous said...

I'm interested in hearing about Arab music appreciation. It is a different sound. How do you tease apart the meanings to all the different sounds? Sounds like a cool class! ~Crystal

Anonymous said...

We're following your blog Kate! :) Best wishes! EA Team

TareX said...

There's nothing I miss in Cairo more than the food... Here's a nice blog that would help you out in Cairo, also make sure you check the comments.... very helpful :)

What to do when you visit an Egyptian House:

If you're coming during Ramadan:

Enjoy your stay!

Unknown said...

Thanks for all the encouragement and tips, everyone! I am just getting these comments... I need to change my settings.

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